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The transport of heavy items, such as pianos and large furniture, is a task that requires moving companies to put all their expertise to use. Heavy lifting requires a house moving service to take several factors into account at the same time. Moving companies must lift and move the item while protecting it, ensuring that no damage is caused to the house while the object is being moved. Then, they safely load the item into the appropriate vehicle for transport. A Brisbane removalist team like Scotty’s The Movers is committed to safety and follows all insurance guidelines to always ensure compliance.

We charge a heavy lifting fee for items over 100kg and only shift items up or down three stairs to stay within insurance regulations. Our house moving service employs a three-man crew to ensure efficiency and safety. If extra crew members are required to execute the task, we provide customers with the option of adding an extra member for $50 per hour.

Heavy Lifting and Furniture Removals Brisbane

Scotty’s The Movers provide furniture removals Brisbane-wide. We load and transport heavy objects such as:

Pool Table Transport by Professional Mover Brisbane

Once the pool table is carefully turned on its side by our team, the legs are dismantled from the base and wrapped in high quality packing material to protect them. The table is lifted onto a trolley by the team and carefully transferred outside where it is loaded onto a vehicle that can transport it safely. Once in the truck, the table is secured using quality straps, which limit movement during transport. The table is then carefully unloaded at the destination and assembled.

Piano Lifting and Loading

The piano is lifted by our removalists and placed onto a sturdy steel trolley. It is then wheeled out to the transport vehicle and transferred using a hydraulic lift if necessary. Once the piano is in the truck, it is secured to prevent movement and unloaded safely at the destination.

Heavy Furniture

Our team is experienced in furniture removals Brisbane-wide. We have the equipment and manpower to remove large furniture safely and without damage.


Two Movers Placing Television In Living Room At Home


Benefits of Heavy Lifting by a Professional Mover Brisbane

Here are just some of the reasons why you should choose a professional Brisbane removalist for your heavy lifting needs:

  • Obtain a clear, transparent quote from specialists who know exactly what it takes to load and transport an item that weighs over 100 kg. Know all the costs up front to avoid surprises!
  • Removalists are trained in the use of safety equipment that protects themselves and customers and prevents any potential damage which could be caused to the home. Our services are covered by insurance which provides an additional layer of protection to customers.
  • A professional house moving service is trained to efficiently handle heavy objects. Every task is different, which requires team members to use their experience to identify the right equipment and the best approach for every challenge.

Safe and Efficient Heavy Lifting in Brisbane

Do you have a piano, pool table, or trampoline you need to move? Contact Scotty’s The Movers in Brisbane today for safe, high quality heavy object moving services.

Contact Scotty's The Movers Today for a Free Quote