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As the world slowly recovers from the social and economic impact of Covid-19, many people are trying to become more self-sufficient. DIY moving has taken off in a big way, because it allows people to move to a new home without all the costs associated with a professional moving company. Some estimates claim that a DIY move can cost about half as much as an expert house moving service. As an expert house mover Brisbane has trusted for decades, however, Scotty’s The Movers believes that a reliable, local house moving service is invaluable during a relocation.

DIY House Moving Trends

DIY house moves certainly have their advantages. Homeowners who are accustomed to frequent moves are familiar with effective packing methods and have the confidence that their belongings will reach the destination as planned.

While an independent house move is significantly cheaper, it requires careful planning. From choosing the right packing materials, to packing each item correctly, using the appropriate box when required, and finding the right vehicle for your things, DIY house moving is nothing if not a monumental task.

It requires reaching out to friends and family members to help you load and unload your belongings, and careful supervision to ensure nothing is damaged in transit.

Others may opt for a hybrid move, an option offered by certain moving companies. This requires a customer to pack their belongings and make a reservation for a vehicle which is dropped off at your location. Once everything is loaded into the vehicle, professional drivers drive your belongings to the new location where it is left for a few days while the customer unloads the vehicle.

High Angle View Of Two Male Movers Carrying Sofa On Staircase Of House

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Mover Brisbane

So why would anyone ever choose a professional house moving service? Here are just some of the reasons:

Furniture Removals Brisbane-Wide

Trusted moving companies do more than just pack and load things into a vehicle. They maintain teams of experienced removalists who specialise in loading, unloading and safely transporting all kinds of furniture and heavy objects. This requires training, experience, and a commitment to safety.

Door-to-Door House Moving Service

A moving company that cares about its customers aims to make house moving a pleasant, comfortable process. Whether you are an individual overwhelmed by the prospect of packing up an entire apartment or a large family wondering where to start, your house moving service has the solution. Moving companies offer pre-moving services, extra help for heavy lifting and reliable transport vehicles with plenty of manpower to unload items at the destination.

Stress Free Relocation

When under stress, it is natural for individuals to make errors and overlook important details. A house moving company specialises in logistics, which means a customer can focus on making their family comfortable, shifting utilities, and wrapping up other important tasks, while the move itself is handled by experts with decades of experience.

Specialists in Heavy Furniture Removals Brisbane

DIY moving is a trend which provides customers with the ability to move houses at a lower cost. Scotty’s The Movers believes that the benefits of a professional moving company are, however, impossible to replace. Whether you are a student with a tight budget or a large family looking to relocate to another state, our friendly and solution driven team is here to help you in every way. Contact us today for more information on removalist costs in Brisbane.


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