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The process of moving to a new home is not only a logistical challenge, but it can also cost more than you are prepared for. Often, the focus is entirely on transport and relocation without proper budgeting. This can lead to sudden, unexpected moving costs, which can quickly add up and result in nasty surprises. At Scotty’s The Movers, we believe that stress free house moving is about having all the information beforehand. Written below are some of the most common costs you can expect when moving locally or interstate in Australia.

Cost of Brisbane Removalist

What does a house moving service cost locally? Let’s use an example to understand the costs involved. If a customer lives in Kedron and wants to move the contents of a two-bedroom home to Banyo, they can expect to pay an average of $865 for about 6 hours of service from the moving company. This is the average time it would take for two people to load and unload the contents of a home.

Cost of Moving Interstate

An experienced moving company like Scotty’s The Movers has helped customers with house moving service between states. Whether the requirement is for furniture removals Brisbane to Sydney or transport of other personal belongings, the cost is usually calculated based on the total size of the items and the amount of space they require in a truck.

On average, moving companies assisting customers with interstate moves will price their services as follows:

  • Studio Apartment: $1000 – $2000
  • 1 bedroom apartment: $1400 – $1700
  • 2 bedroom apartment: $2,200 – $ 2790
  • 3 bedroom apartment: $2790 – $3490
  • 3 bedroom house: $3150 – $3990
  • 4 bedroom house: $3590 – $4490
  • 5 bedroom house: $4790 – $5980

Keep in mind that these costs may not include insurance and heavy lifting fees for all moving companies.


Cost Of Moving House Interstate

Factors That Affect the Cost of Mover Brisbane

Factors that affect the cost of a Brisbane removalist service include:

  • The size of the home. Larger homes typically have more things to pack and move. This needs more removalists and more time.
  • The distance necessary for the Brisbane removalist to reach your home is also a factor. We recommend choosing a local moving company which isn’t located too far from where you live.
  • Large or complicated furniture, narrow hallways, stairs, and other challenges do affect the cost of furniture removals Brisbane-wide.
  • Opting for a pre-moving service could result in extra costs for the service and the packing materials involved.
  • Keep in mind that a mover Brisbane-based will offer different rates during peak hours, weekdays, and weekends.

At Scotty’s The Movers, we provide pre-moving services free of charge. We also have an online calculator to help you identify all the costs associated with your move.

Heavy Lifting Fee for House Mover Brisbane

Heavy lifting charges are applied to single items that weigh over 100kg. This includes pool tables, pianos, and other heavy items that cannot be dismantled. Insurance policies prevent movers from shifting these items up or down more than three stairs. The extra cost is applied because such items normally require a three-man crew to ensure safety.

Safe and Efficient Furniture Removals Brisbane-Wide

Whether you are a student moving out of a studio apartment or a large family relocating to another state, no job is too big or too small for Scotty’s The Movers. Contact us today for comprehensive solutions for all house moving needs in Brisbane.

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