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Your #1 Choice for Premier Local Removalists in Brisbane

Navigating a house moving in Brisbane? Whether relocating to the vibrant South Bank, the eclectic West End, the scenic Kangaroo Point or the historic Woolloongabba, Scotty’s The Movers has got you covered. As trusted cheap removalists in Brisbane, we specialise in local moves, ensuring a smooth transition within the city’s heart.

Why We are the Best Choice for South Brisbane Moves

 Affordable Services

If you are looking for cheap removalists in Brisbane, we have some good news for you. We believe in offering top-tier services without the hefty price tag. Our competitive pricing ensures you get unparalleled value for your money.

Efficient and Timely Moves

We respect your time. Our familiarity with South Brisbane ensures we choose the quickest routes when house moving in Brisbane, avoiding potential delays and ensuring timely relocations.

Customer-Centric Approach

As a removalist in Brisbane, our customers are at the heart of everything we do. Our team ensures a hassle-free and seamless experience throughout the whole process, from the first call to the last placement of the box.

Frequently Asked Questions for South Brisbane Interstate Move

Q: What areas in South Brisbane do you cover?

A: We service all of South Brisbane, including popular areas like South Bank, West End, Kangaroo Point and Woolloongabba.

Q: Are your movers insured?

A: Absolutely! Our professional South Brisbane movers are insured, ensuring the safety of your belongings throughout the move.

H2: Average Costs for Typical Local Moves

The cost of your move can vary based on several factors, including:

  1. In-Home Moves
    • We offer in-home moves where a truck is optional.
    • Additional services include rubbish removal and ute/labour hire.
    • Each service is priced on an individual basis.
  2. Heavy Lifting Fee
    • A fee is charged for items over 100kg, such as pianos and pool tables.
    • Movement of these items is limited to up to three stairs.
    • A three-man crew is typically advised for safety when moving Heavy Lift items.
  3. Extra Crew
    • If more moving assistance is required, you can add extra crew members.
    • The cost is $83 per hour for each additional crew member.

Get an Accurate Estimate Today!

Every move has its intricacies, especially in bustling areas like South Brisbane. At Scotty’s The Movers, we believe in providing transparent and accurate estimates.

Contact us online or call us on 1300 864 278 for a quote. Let a reputable removalist in Brisbane handle the complexities so you can focus on the excitement of settling into your new space.

Best Brisbane Removalists

At Scotty’s the Movers, we understand the need to find a cost-effective mover who doesn’t blow your budget. You’ll be pleased with our price for Two Men and a Truck with the option of a Third Man if you need one. Contact Scotty’s the Movers online or call 1300 864 278 find out more and get a free quote.