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Scotty’s The Movers is a moving company with a unique philosophy. Founded in 2001, our house moving service has committed itself to providing Brisbane customers with the ability to move houses easily, whether big or small. We believe in providing customers with a tailor-made service that adapts to their exact needs. If you are a hands-on customer who likes things packed a certain way, our team is happy to oblige. If all you want is a Brisbane removalist who can take care of all your packing and transport needs without your involvement, we’ve got the skills to pull it off with ease.

To make the difficult process of moving easier, we’ve put together a list of must-have home moving solutions to help you stay organised.

Wardrobe Boxes

All top tier moving companies have one thing in common: they do more than just pack and move your things to a new location. Experienced professionals arrive at the job with a range of specially designed quality packing boxes which are purpose built to protect your belongings. One of the most essential packing boxes is a wardrobe box, also known as a Port-a-Robe. These boxes are made from extra strong cardboard and are designed to transport clothes that need to be kept on a hanger. This protects your valuable clothes and saves them from getting crumpled enroute.

Furniture Pads

Professionals who specialise in furniture removals Brisbane-wide rely heavily on furniture pads to protect their client’s property. Furniture pads come in various sizes and are designed to cover vulnerable points on pieces of furniture to prevent them from damage. Chips, cracks, dents, and other mishaps are easily avoided with quality furniture pads.


Must-have Home Moving Solutions


Specialised Lifting Equipment

Furniture removals Brisbane homeowners can rely on will not only require furniture pads, but specialised lifting equipment as well. Whether you need to move an antique wardrobe or family piano, it is important to hire specialists who know how to move, lift, and transport heavy items safely and efficiently.

Pre-Packing by an Expert House Mover Brisbane

Pre-packing is an often overlooked service that moving companies usually offer customers. Pre-packing means that a team of removalists will help you pack your belongings into quality boxes in an organised manner. This is extremely valuable for clients with families, or those who need to move out of a house within a short period of time. Pre-packing specialists are trained to handle items with care, pack them effectively, and transport them to your destination where they may also offer unpacking assistance. Scotty’s The Movers provides clients with pre-moving services at no extra charge to make the process of moving easier.

Brisbane’s Trusted House Moving Company

At Scotty’s The Movers, we believe that moving house should be an exciting and fulfilling experience. To make this a reality, we provide clients with a tailor-made support structure that is committed to just one thing: ensuring that you and your family’s belongings are packed, transported and unpacked safely. Contact us today for information on local and interstate house moving services.


Contact Scotty's The Movers Today for a Free Quote