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Moving house with your family is one of life’s most exciting decisions. Relocating your entire home, however, is no small task. Practically speaking, it can feel like a major operation involving many different tasks, last minute problems to solve, and potential emergencies to manage. At Scotty’s The Movers, we have helped families successfully move into new homes since 2001, and experience has shown us that a few simple tips can make life a lot easier.

Here are some simple and effective tips from an expert moving company that are guaranteed to make moving house an adventure, rather than an ordeal.

Location and Size of the Home

The first factor to consider is the total cost you are likely to bear when moving to a new home. Moving companies will provide a quote based on the size and location of your home. The size will indicate how much labour will be needed for the job, while location will help moving companies understand how much they need to travel to reach you. Ease of access to the house and parking location will also increase or decrease the manpower required.


How to plan a family moving from one home to another

Packing Tips

Moving house is about more than just packing items into boxes and loading them onto a truck. When it comes to safe and efficient furniture removals Brisbane-wide, there is no substitute for quality furniture pads, which protect valuables from scratches and dents. Quality packing boxes and packing materials are a must to ensure that everything remains safe in transit.

As a professional mover Brisbane has relied on for years, we always recommend that customers plan ahead, pack a little every day, and label all boxes to make unpacking and settling in easier.

Hire a Professional Mover Brisbane

At Scotty’s The Movers, we see ourselves as a Brisbane removalist company with deep roots in the community. We offer customers a unique experience with pricing options that suit every kind of move. Our basic plan costs $197/hr for a minimum of two hours. It involves no callout fee and provides customers with two professionals and a truck for their goods.

Charges for house moving jobs Brisbane-wide are calculated using 15-minute intervals and are valid depot to depot. We do not charge customers extra for weekend jobs and provide insurance coverage to protect your valuables.

Our competitive prices come with friendly customer service, complimentary dismantling and assembly services and vehicles which are fitted with state-of-the-art dollies, trolleys, straps, and protective gear.

If you need an extra pair of hands, we can provide more manpower for $50 an hour per person. We also assist clients with heavy lifting services for pianos, pool tables and furniture for a reasonable fee.

Professional House Moving Service in Brisbane

Scotty’s The Movers was started in 2001 with the aim of providing all Brisbane residents with affordable, high quality moving services. Our experts work closely with customers to address their unique needs within a comfortable budget. Contact us today to speak to a trusted Brisbane removalist.

Contact Scotty's The Movers Today for a Free Quote