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4 Important Questions for Your Brisbane Removalist

How do you know if you’re working with a top tier moving company? The best moving companies do more than just move your things from one place to another. They are passionate about their work, take pride in handling the belongings of others, and strive to provide personalised customer service to everyone. Scotty’s The Movers is a mover Brisbane residents trust, because we are transparent, friendly, and happy to answer any question a customer may have. If you are hiring a professional moving company, take the time to ask them a few key questions, which will help you understand the level of service you are likely to receive.

How Much Will My House Moving Service Cost?

A reputed house moving service cares about the customer. This means communicating every cost associated with the service up front with no hidden charges. Well regarded moving companies provide a thorough breakdown of every cost associated with your service and will gladly answer any questions you have about the quote as well as help you find solutions when required.

How Long Will the Move Take?

From pre-moving services to transfer into local or interstate transport vehicles, a good moving company will tell you exactly how long each aspect of your move may take. Based on the nature and volume of the packing required, experienced professionals can tell you how long it will take them to wrap everything up. Transport is also well-planned and coordinated, so you should know exactly when the vehicle will arrive at your house and when unloading will begin at the destination. Communication is the key to a timely house move.


Movers With Van Or Truck. Moving And Delivery


How Do You Protect Furniture and Breakables?

Whether you need furniture removals Brisbane-wide or house moving services for students, packing things the right way is the best way to reduce the risk of damage. A mover Brisbane homeowners trust, like Scotty’s The Movers, will only use high quality packing boxes, specialised boxes for suits and the best packing tape to keep things secure. Experience is everything in the house moving industry, so make sure your house moving professional knows the precise ways in which to handle certain items.

What if Something is Damaged During the Move?

All experienced moving companies provide customers with a clearly worded and accommodative set of terms and conditions. If an item has been damaged by your house moving services, refer to the terms and conditions to know the time frame within which the claim must be filed. Ensure that your moving company provides you with the information you need before you hire their services. At Scotty’s The Movers, we provide customers with a thorough set of terms and conditions to help ensure their belongings are safe.

Local Furniture Removals Brisbane

If you need a moving company but don’t know where to start, contact Scotty’s The Movers today. We are happy to answer every question you have about how your precious belongings are packed and transported. We provide Brisbane residents with pre-moving services, high quality packing materials, and coordinates for your local or interstate mover, to keep everything running smoothly and efficiently.

Contact Scotty's The Movers Today for a Free Quote