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Moving house can often seem like a monumental task but hiring people who know what they’re doing can take away a lot of the stress. To ensure a successful move, it is important know what to expect from a professional house removals company.

Here, Scotty’s the Movers offers a few considerations when hiring a professional moving company in Brisbane. Contact us today to learn more.



A reputable moving company will offer a consultation before your moving day. This will ensure both parties are on the same page and you will have the peace of mind of knowing your needs are understood. During the consultation, someone from our company will help you assess the scope and specific requirements of the move. We will also give you an estimate of the cost. You’ll be able to ask questions and ease any concerns. You may also like to check out our size calculator for pricing.


Packing Services

Packing is one of the most time-consuming and labour-intensive aspects of moving. We understand that not everyone wants to be involved in this part of the moving process while others do. For those who want to be involved to some degree, we offer very affordable pre-moving, pre-packing solutions. For those who prefer to let professionals take care of everything, our experienced packers will carefully handle your belongings. We use the appropriate packing materials and techniques to ensure the safest transportation possible. This service saves you time and ensures that your items are properly protected during transit.

Professional Moving & Packing Company in Brisbane



Once your belongings are packed, we will arrange for their transportation to your new home or office. Our well-maintained and appropriately sized vehicles accommodate your possessions perfectly, keeping them safe and ensuring they arrive in the same condition they left. A professional moving company’s movers are trained to handle your belongings with care and ensure their safe arrival at the destination. Into our third decade in business, we know how to care for your stuff. For a cost-effective solution to your moving needs, check out our Two Men and a Truck special, using a 35-50 cubic metre truck that is decked out with trolleys, dollies, straps and specialised padded blankets.



Clear and consistent communication is vital throughout the moving process. A professional moving company will keep you informed about important details such as the estimated arrival time of the moving crew and any unavoidable potential delays. They will also provide you with a point of contact who can address your queries or concerns promptly. Through experience, we know that effective communication ensures that both parties are on the same page, minimising any potential misunderstandings. Trust us with your next move.

When you’re looking for help with house moving in Brisbane, and only the best will do, count on Scotty’s the Movers. Contact us today for a seamless experience!

Contact Scotty's The Movers Today for a Free Quote