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Whether you’re moving home or moving office, there are a host of tasks that you need to manage. From packing and organising your belongings to looking after transportation, the list goes on. With all this to look after, insurance can be easy to overlook. However, it is an essential consideration as it plays an integral role in allowing a smooth move and peace of mind. Hiring a removalist is a huge step towards a hassle-free relocation and understanding the importance of insurance in this process is vital. Here, Scotty’s the Movers take you through the significance of insurance, what it covers, and how it can protect you and your belongings during the move.


Why Do I Need Insurance?

Insurance aims to provide a bit of a safety net in an unforeseen circumstance like an accident. When you engage a professional removalist like Scotty’s, we take responsibility for safely handling and transporting your possessions. However, accidents can happen despite our best efforts. Insurance ensures that any damage or loss that may occur during the move is covered financially. Without insurance, you could face significant financial implications, making it an essential component to safeguard your belongings.


Transit Insurance

One of the primary aspects of insurance coverage is transit insurance. This type of insurance protects your belongings while they are in transit from one location to another. It typically covers accidental damage, theft, fire, and even natural disasters, offering peace of mind during the move. In the event of any mishaps or unexpected incidents, transit insurance ensures that you can recover the value of your damaged or lost items, easing the financial burden.

Insurance for Brisbane removalists

Our Pricing

At Scotty’s all of our pricing includes transit insurance covering any unforeseen circumstances during the move, such as an unavoidable accident. We recommend speaking to us if you have any queries relating to what is included. Although we have more than 20 years of professional removalist experience, we understand that people may have questions about the safety of comprehensive insurance. Again, please contact us with any of these concerns. We’ll make sure that what is covered by the policy aligns with your needs before the move. You may review the coverage limits, exclusions, and any additional conditions.


Additional Insurance

Lastly, it is essential to note that while we offer transit insurance included in the cost of your home or office move, it is advisable to also check your existing home or contents insurance policy. Some policies may cover belongings during a move, either fully or partially. Understanding the coverage provided by your existing insurance can help you make an informed decision about additional insurance coverage. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions relating to your upcoming move. Into our third decade in business, Scotty’s values professionalism and transparency for a stress-free experience.

Are you looking for affordable removalists or a moving company in Brisbane? Trust the professional packers and movers at Scotty’s the Movers. Get in touch and get moving with us today!

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