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With every business, there comes a point when an existing workspace is no longer able to support growth. When a company has outgrown its current office space, the only option is to move operations to a new location where employees can be more productive and client networking can be streamlined. At Scotty’s The Movers, we understand why office moves can make entrepreneurs feel apprehensive. An office space has hundreds of moving parts, assets to protect from damage, and important documents that need to be handled with care. The best way to ensure a smooth transition is to hire a reputed Brisbane removalist with years of experience working with local business owners.

Why Use a Trusted Office Mover Brisbane

When a business hires a quality moving company, it allows them to outsource office moving to specialists who have the experience necessary to move valuable assets efficiently. Here are just some of the ways in which moving companies can help.

Protect Valuable Business Property

Everything in an office comes at a cost. Whether it’s filing cabinets, printers, stationary or furniture, replacements and repairs cost money. An office move is only successful if everything reaches the new space intact. An experienced Brisbane removalist like Scotty’s The Movers employs highly experienced professionals who use specialised packing equipment to ensure that business assets are fully protected. Whether you need documents to be packed and moved in an organised manner, or require heavy furniture removals Brisbane-wide, our experts provide the right solutions.


Cartons and equipment on floor of empty office space

Avoid Disruption

 Entrepreneurs know that time is money. Keeping the team focused and avoiding disruptions is a constant challenge, especially during an office move. Experienced moving companies understand the need for efficiency, which is why we guarantee quick, safe, and streamlined office moves that minimise distractions and allow you to focus on operations, while we do the heavy lifting.

Scotty’s The Movers also provides complimentary pre-packing services. Our team will pack the contents of an office as specified, label each box, and unpack them at the destination to make life easier.  

Cost of Professional Office Mover Brisbane

We specialise in providing clients with personalised moving company services. We work with the client to meet their every need, while keeping things within a reasonable budget. Our basic plan costs $197/hr for a minimum of two hours. It involves no callout fee and provides customers with two professionals and a truck for their goods.

All charges for office moves are calculated at 15-minute intervals and we do not charge extra for weekends. Insurance coverage provides extra protection and reasonable heavy lifting charges are applied to items over 100kg. Our team is equipped with state-of-the-art transport vehicles, safety equipment and trolleys.

Experienced Brisbane Removalist for Offices

As one of Brisbane’s most experienced moving companies, Scotty’s The Movers takes pride in providing expert office moving services to Brisbane companies. Whether you are a business moving into a new space or a homeowner in need of a house moving service, we have the right people and the right equipment for the job. Contact us today for comprehensive moving services.

Contact Scotty's The Movers Today for a Free Quote