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Since 2001, Scotty’s The Movers has provided Brisbane residents with high quality moving company services. We offer customers an affordable and reliable house moving service, which caters to their precise needs. Whether you need our help to move a single piece of furniture or relocate all the contents of your home, no task is too big or too small for us. Moving house can be a daunting and lengthy process, but with expert tips and the best moving company by your side, anything is possible!

Planning Early with Your Mover Brisbane

When it comes to tackling a monumental task, the best approach is to break it down into smaller steps and stay organised. The first step is to speak to moving companies who are happy to help you create a plan. Schedule the date of your move to give you clarity on how much time you have to pack your belongings.

Take the Opportunity to Declutter

Before you start packing, give yourself plenty of time to create an inventory. Not only does this help prioritise, but it also gives you an idea of the things you want to take with you, and the things you no longer need. Make the process easier by donating and selling any items you can get rid of. This will save time, avoid confusion and indecision when packing at the last minute, and make setting up the new home much easier.

Quality Boxes and Packing Supplies

Avoid making the mistake of packing your precious belongings in low quality moving boxes. A trusted house moving service provides clients with heavy-duty boxes, book boxes, and port-a-robe boxes, which are designed to carry specific items safely. Items such as mattresses are best protected using mattress covers. We recommend buying quality packing tape, tape dispensers and paper rolls that are strong and versatile enough for a variety of household items.


Packed household stuff for moving into new house



Still overwhelmed by the prospect of packing the entire house? Reputed moving companies offer affordable pre-packing services to make things easier. At Scotty’s The Movers, we use quality boxes and packing materials to prevent damage. We also work closely with customers to pack their belongings just the way they want us to.

Changing Utilities

Moving house is about more than just shifting your things from one place to another. Before you move into your new home, be sure to switch utilities such to a new provider if required and check that all meters and electrical fixtures are working properly.

Quality Packing for Furniture Removals Brisbane

If you are looking for a furniture mover Brisbane locals can rely on, look no further than Scotty’s The Movers. Our team has the vehicles, packing materials and expertise required to move all kinds of household items safely and within your budget. Contact us today to schedule a date!

Contact Scotty's The Movers Today for a Free Quote