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People downsize for many reasons. Whether it’s to save money, to get a foothold onto the property ladder in a more exclusive location, or simply because the kids have flown the nest and the spacious family home is no longer needed – downsizing is a common activity.

Downsizing doesn’t always have to mean taking a backward step. Did you know that moving into a smaller space offers a multitude of perks? For instance, easy maintenance and less cleaning are great examples that spring to mind, but also less floor space means that decorating won’t be as expensive. Finally, limited floor space means less temptation to hoard.

That said downsizing means that the move needs to be carefully planned. With this in mind, we’ve put together 5 actions that you really need to follow if you want your relocation to go smoothly.

Know Your Measurements

It might sound obvious but you’d be surprised at the number of people who fall under the impression that somehow their existing furniture will squeeze into a space that’s half the size of the property they have now. By knowing the dimensions of each room it’s easier to make a plan. From this, you can map out exactly where you’re going to put your furniture, or even if you have the room for it. Remember it’s better to find out now rather than on the moving day itself.

Scale It Down

Okay so we all accumulate ‘stuff’ after we’ve been in a property for any length of time but when you’re downsizing you really need to think about paring it down. Look at selling or giving away any furniture or items that you simply don’t use on a regular basis. Get rid of any duplicate items or indeed any items which you feel simply won’t fit into the existing space within your new home. Remember the more ruthless you are at this stage, the easier it will be when you move.

Think Big!

When it comes to moving you might want to move all of the big pieces of furniture first. Why? Because these are going to be the hardest and possibly the heaviest to shift, so by moving them first you won’t have to maneuver them precariously around hordes of smaller boxes. Aside from this, by getting all your large furniture into position first, you can immediately see what space you have left.

Disassemble Everything

Anything that you can disassemble then you probably should. Once you get to your new destination you’re going to have less space to move around in and the last thing you want are chunks out of your walls where you’ve tried to maneuver a large bed around an impossibly tight corner.

Be Organised

This is a key part of any move but particularly so when downsizing. Make sure that all boxes are labeled up with room and content information so that they don’t clutter up hallways and landings etc. Also, make sure that everyone knows what they’re doing and what their role is. This is from the removal company right down to you and your spouse. This way everyone involved won’t be getting in everyone else’s way. Finally, use your floor plan which you carefully crafted earlier to make sure that any heavy or awkward furniture goes in the right place so it only needs to be moved once.

Serving Brisbane, the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, and regional areas of Queensland, Scotty’s The Movers have been successfully relocating families and businesses since 2001. If you need a reliable and competitively priced removal company to help you downsize then visit our website at for a fast, free no-obligation quote. Alternatively, if you’d like to speak to our friendly team then contact us on 1300 669 409. We’re here to help!

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