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Couple relaxing at home after moving house's

Let’s face it, when was the last time you heard someone say “I love moving”? It’s understandable that the idea of a new challenge, a new location, a new home, and a new chapter in life sounds appealing but when it comes to the actual act of moving itself, then for many people it’s a stressful situation that they can probably do without.

That said, there are things that you can do to make your move as stress-free as possible. Here are 4 key factors that just might help.


They say that “prior preparation and planning prevents poor performance” and a great way to prepare and plan is to prioritise. So grab yourself a piece of paper and jot down everything that you can think of pertaining to the move. Even if it sounds relatively trivial, chances are it will become a big deal if it’s forgotten about. Once everything has been written down, then on a separate piece of paper, look to prioritise tasks in order of importance. Hint – An early priority might be to book the removalist!


Once tasks are in some sort of priority order then consider who’s going to do them and when. For instance if you’re packing everything yourself who’s going to do it? Will you get friends and family involved and if so have you asked them yet? Who’s going to inform the utility companies of your imminent move and when? If your move is local and on a weekday, then who’s going to pick the kids up from school? It might sound a lot of work now, but meticulous planning is the key to a stress free move. Also, on the subject of contacting the utilities company, did you know that Scotty’s can do that for you? Be sure to talk about this when you call for a chat.


We defy anyone who has been in a property for any length of time not to have accumulated ‘stuff’. The trouble is that ‘stuff’ costs money to move so if it’s going to sit on the shelf gathering dust in the new property in the hope that you might need it, then chances are you won’t. Look to giveaway, donate, or even sell items that you no longer want. It’ll not only make you feel good, it’s going to be less to pack and therefore less work. Less work equals less stress – Simple!


There are many ways of labelling up your boxes from colour-coded stickers to extensive cross-referenced lists depending upon how organised you want to be. The fact remains that labelling up your packing boxes helps the movers know where to put the boxes when they arrive at your new property, so adopt a system that works for you and one that’s easy to understand. Aside from this, if you’re in need of a much-deserved cup of tea or you need a corkscrew for that celebratory glass of wine, you don’t have to go wading through a plethora of boxes until you find the items you need.

Remember the more ‘ready’ you are for your move – the less stressful it’s likely to be and by following these 4 key factors, you’ll be as ready as you’ll ever be.

At Scotty’s, we offer a tailored professional removal service to help alleviate your moving stress. Why not contact us today on 1300 669 409to see how we can help. Alternatively, why not visit our website at for more information and a free quote.

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